
We are Data Builders since 2004

Our goal as a company is to create an environment of business welfare, based on technological innovation to provide efficient solutions to financial and tax environments. We have been providing the most efficient and innovative solutions for 15 years thanks to the management of company data.

inecop offers something different from the market

We construct, develop and analyze all strategic information originating in the financial, fiscal and information areas.


We believe in it.
At inecop we offer the service of analyzing such data, based on the most innovative tools.

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We are an extension of your own company. At inecop you will find the support of experts, economists, tax specialists...

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1. We provide you with security by carrying out professional management in front of the public administration, banks...

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We propose solutions in each case

We think with the premises of your company to face challenges with the maximum guarantee of success for each project and circumstances.

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